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We Buy Classic Cars!

About iCollectCars.com

iCollectCars.com is a free website for collectors of Classic Cars. iCollectCars.com `s goal is to be the hub of Classic Cars buying and selling on the internet. Although not affiliated with any other site, we are often recommended by other sites wishing to help their customers learn more about the hobby.

The parent company of iCollectCars.com is 2nd Markets Corporation of Chattanooga, TN.

Business and Banking References

Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, Kristi Haulsee, Member Services, 423-756-2121 --- we are member #10584
Better Business Bureau, Member Services, 423-266-0396 we are member #40061041
Dun and Bradstreet dandb.com --- we are DUNS #048984807
Bank of America, South Broad Branch, 423-752-1225 (account name is 2nd Markets Corporation)
(please note that our company name is 2nd Markets Corp. (2nd NOT SECOND), this site is owned by 2nd Markets Corp - www.2ndMarkets.com)

Through iCollectCars.com, members will be able to evaluate, authenticate, and trade over the Internet. The company`s mission is to provide a dedicated marketplace for the Classic Cars Collecting Community.

Through our strategic partnerships with recognized experts, we will build and maintain services including electronic marketplaces and searchable price guides, and offer services of great benefit to collectors.

iCollectCars.com is the brainchild of Jon R. Warren and was founded in 2000. Jon is the author of numerous collector guides and is recognized internationally as a leading expert in the field of collectibles. He has been a collector and merchant of collectibles since the 1970s.

Jon has had the collecting passion since childhood. At age 15, he had a rare stamp business, selling rare US commemoratives to collectors world-wide under the business name "Rarities, Inc." Collectors purchased thousands of dollars of rare stamps through the mail from Rarities, Inc. never knowing they were dealing with a teenager.

Jon has authored numerous books, including books about movie posters, rare comic books, vintage paperbacks, and big little books. He served as editor of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide from 1984 to 1992, and served as Senior Price Guide editor for Wizard: The Guide to Comics from 1993 to 2001.

Jon is now president of 2nd Markets Corp., owner of this site and the I Collect family of collector sites.

Other Books written or published by Jon R. Warren

learn about movie posters vintage paperback pricing comic book pricing comic books big little books golf collectibles vantage blotters pricing movie poster price guide movie poster pricing

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